The first 5 years of life are extremely important for language acquisition. We make connections, learn to process and express ourselves all while learning about the world around us. Communication is vital to our physical and mental well-being. Without language how can one advocate for themselves, or expect to have their emotional or physical needs met at all? Language Equality and Acquisition for Deaf Kids (LEAD-K) is a national effort to pass state legislation ensuring that children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing have a strong language foundation and kindergarten readiness. Missouri passed House Bill 447 in August 2023. This Bill lists specific requirements and goals. Please see the MO Connections link for a full list of Child Milestones as well as resources for parents.

Link to Missouri Early Connections LEAD-K:
Language Equality and Acquisition for Deaf Kids (LEAD-K) Act | Early Connections (
Link to LEAD-K Milestones Checklist:
Missouri Lead-K ASL/English Milestones and Checklist | Early Connections (
Link to Legislation for MO:
Missouri Revisor of Statutes – Revised Statutes of Missouri, RSMo Section 161.396
Need Help? – Resource Links:
- Clerc Center:
- American Society for Deaf Children:
- Missouri School for the Deaf: Home | Missouri School for the Deaf (
- Families First: Missouri Deaf Education Outreach
- Language First:
- Family Partners Family Partnership | Health & Senior Services (
- DEAF, Inc: DEAF, Inc. | sign langauge | 25 East Frisco Avenue, Webster Groves, MO, USA (
- The Whole Person (Family Support: Micki Rene): The Whole Person | People with Disabilities Leading Independent Lives
- Missouri Deaf Blind Project: Assistance Project (
- Sign Support Network: Sign Support Network | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree
- Language Implementation for Hearing Parents, when do I start?: Language First Strategies — Language First
- Beyond Classroom Walls, Camps by State (Clerc Center): Camps for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children | Clerc Center
Articles Supporting Language Acquisition in Deaf Children:

- Deaf Children Need Rich Language Input fro the Start: Support in Advising Parents (2022, Humpries, Mathur, Padden Rathmann)
- Deaf Children Need Language, Not Just Speech (Hall, Hall, Caselli, 2019)
- Au ditory Deprivation Does Not Impair Executive Function, But Language Deprivation Might: Evidence From a Parent-Report Measure in Deaf Native Signing Children | The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education | Oxford Academic (Hall, Eigsti, Bortfeld, Lillo-Martin, 2016)
- Early Hearing Screening Policy and Deaf Children’s Language Acquisition (Hatrak, 2022)
- Vocabulary Development of Young Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children (Lederberg, 2001)
- Deaf Children of Hearing Parents Have Age-Level Vocabulary Growth When Exposed to American Sign Language by 6 Months of Age (Caselli, Pyers, Lieberman, 2021)
Deaf Children’s ASL Vocabulary and ASL Syntax
Knowledge Supports English Knowledge (Hoffmeister, Henner, Caldwell-Harris, Novogrodsky, 2022)

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