3216 Emerald Lane- Suite B
Jefferson City, MO 65109

MCDHH recommends that should an inquiry or concern arise, the issue is addressed with the responsible party directly when possible and appropriate.
If this is not an option or if the inquiry/concern was not resolved, the next step of action would be to contact that person’s immediate supervisor.
For all MCDHH staff, the immediate supervisor is the Executive Director. If your inquiry/concern was not or could not be resolved at this level, the next step would be to contact the Chairperson of the Commission or any member of the Commission as they will relate it to the Chair and make sure the issue is addressed and resolved.

(VP) 573-355-9320
(V) 573-526-5205

MCDHH Staff’s Contact Information

Office Hours
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM


If you have concerns about our MCDHH staff members or services, please contact Executive Director, Becky Davis

For any concerns or questions regarding ADA, contact Sonya Smith

Are there any accessibility issues or suggestions for enhancing our website that you would like to see improved?
Please contact Jo Martin

If you have inquiries or issues regarding interpreters, contact either Amy Sue Guinn or Shanda Miller
ASL Support will be available in the future; we appreciate your patience.

3605 Missouri Boulevard
P.O. Box 1335
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1335
573.526.7787 Main
573.526.0661 Fax
800.735.2966 TTY
800.735.2466 Voice Relay