The Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing consists of nine members who are knowledgeable about issues related to hearing loss and who have demonstrated a commitment to the full participation of deaf and hard of hearing people in all aspects of community life. The governor appoints the members of the Commission.

Clark Corogenes
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Org.

Ante Čolić
Parent of Deaf/Hard of Hearing Child

Wendy Jensen
Local Public School – Administration

Mike Kelley
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Member

Chris Daily
Dept. of Elem. & Sec. Ed/MSD

Tia Morris
Business Community

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Member

Profession-Mental Health, Aud-SLP, Medicine

The Missouri Commission for the Deaf functions as an agency of the state to advocate public policies, regulations, and programs to improve the quality and coordination of existing services for deaf persons, and to promote new services whenever necessary. To these ends, the Missouri Commission for the Deaf will work with individuals, organizations, and state departments as an active force, to better the lives and opportunities of all deaf and hard of hearing Missourians.
Member Requirements
Two members must be deaf; one must be a parent of a deaf child; one must represent the business community; one must represent the Missouri School for the Deaf or the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; one must represent local public school administration; and one must be a professional from the field of audiology, psychology, speech pathology, mental health, or medicine; one must be an interpreter for the deaf; one must represent and organization that represents the interests of deaf and hard of hearing people.
The Missouri Commission for the Deaf is mandated to promote deaf awareness; to develop state certification of sign language interpreters; to maintain the quality interpreting services; to maintain a census of the deaf population in Missouri; to promote the improvement of physical and mental health services for deaf persons; and to establish an effective communication network among the deaf adult community.
Commission Meetings
The purpose of having a town hall is for local and regional official given the opportunity to gather feedback and better understanding of Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities view their public issues and concerning that may impact their daily lives due to hearing loss.
The Missouri Commission the term “commission” means the Missouri commission for the deaf and hard of hearing consists of nine members who are knowledgeable about issues related to hearing loss and who have demonstrated a commitment to the full participation of deaf and hard of hearing people in all aspects of community life. The governor appoints the members of the Commission. The commissions held 4 meetings in a year. MCDHH hosted town hall meetings given the dates will be announce soon.